Vitamin D Deficiency? 

15+ sunshine hacks to Get Enough Vitamin D During Winter (Save Your Glow!)

15+ sunshine hacks to Get Enough Vitamin D During Winter (Save Your Glow!)

☀️ Soak up the sun: 15-20 minutes a day, midday, can boost your vitamin D

1. Sun's Out, Shine On!

2. Cloudy Days Got You Down?

Supplements: Consult your doctor to find the right dose for you.

3. Veggie Powerhouse

Salmon, tuna, mackerel: These oily fish are vitamin D powerhouses.

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4. Mushroom Mania!

Wild mushrooms, like chanterelles, are naturally rich in vitamin D.

Egg yolks pack a punch of vitamin D and other nutrients.

5. Yolky Goodness

Milk, cereal, yogurt: Look for "vitamin D fortified" labels.

6. Fortified Friends

Certain cheeses, like cheddar and gouda, are fortified with vitamin D.

7. Cheese Power!

8. Beef Up Your Vitamin D

Lean beef liver is a high-potency source of vitamin D.

Soybeans and edamame offer plant-based vitamin D and protein.

9. Get Saucy with Soy

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10. Sunshine on a Plate

Bell peppers and oranges are naturally rich in vitamin C, which aids D absorption.

Spinach, kale, and collard greens offer some vitamin D and other vital nutrients.

11. Leafy Greens to the Rescue

‍♀️ Exercise outdoors can help increase vitamin D production.

12. Plan and Prep for Progress

☀️ Open curtains and let natural light flood your home during the day.

13. Lighten Up Your Home

🩺 Fatigue, bone pain, and frequent illness could indicate vitamin D deficiency.

14. Listen to Your Body

‍⚕️ A doctor can test your vitamin D levels and recommend personalized strategies.

15. Talk to Your Doc